Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Sept. 01- 2010 All About Women Health - Menopause
By Beth Adams
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Menopause A To Z -The Definitive Guide.
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About Modern Menopause Symptoms & Treatments
Menopause is actually three distinct phases: perimenopause, menopause and post menopausal. In the United States, the average age of menopause is 52 years old.
There is wide age range for menopause, it can occur naturally between 40 and 60 years old. If menopause happens earlier than 40 years old, this is considered premature menopause.
If menopause happens earlier than 45 years old, this is considered early menopause. Early menopause can occur due to genetic disorders, illness, medical treatment or surgery.
Women who have early menopause due to surgery usually have more serious symptoms such as hot flashes due to the sudden hormone imbalance.
Due to the aging baby boomer generation, about 6,000 women are going into menopause very day, this makes 2,000,000 women each year. Since baby boomers are the largest generation in history, this is unprecedented. This number will decrease dramatically for the next few generations.
Not all women get menopause symptoms
In women that do report symptoms, hot flashes are the most common, with 90% of women with symptoms reporting hot flashes.
Hot flashes are usually the worst at the beginning of perimenopause, this may be due to the body adjusting to the hormone imbalance that is taking place.
Women with more education and higher incomes report better overall health and fewer symptoms.
Employed women fair better than unemployed women, they also report better overall health and fewer symptoms.
Only 10% of women report depression, anxiety or other negative emotions about menopause.
Depression and anxiety are reported more in the US than in other countries.
In 2002, the Women's Health Initiative stopped a study into to the use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in menopausal women. This study was stopped before its conclusion because it revealed serious health risks involved in HRT use, these risks included heart disease, breast cancer and blood clots. Prior to this study, HRT was the treatment of choice for menopause, but after this study, HRT use dropped almost overnight.
Menopause might not be as bad as you expect, over 80% of women say that menopause didn't impact their quality of life at all.
Menopause is unique for each woman, many factors such as diet, exercise, stress levels, genetics and outlook can all influence menopause.
Women who smoke go into menopause earlier than non-smokers.
Post menopausal women have an increased risk of heart disease and osteoporosis.
Asian women who live in Asian countries have virtually no hot flashes. Studies have been done to determine why this is the case, it has been widely attributed to higher consumption of soy products.
Soy may or may not work to control hot flashes. Some studies have shown that it reduces the intensity, but not the frequency of hot flashes. Other studies have shown that soy consumption may interfere with the body's ability to produce estrogen and progesterone, the hormones responsible for controlling menstruation and ovulation. This would mean that soy is actually working at cross purposes with the body.
In cultures where older people are more respected and aging is viewed as a positive experience, women have less symptoms and problems associated with menopause.
According to a Gallup poll from 1998, 51% of post menopausal women between the ages of 50-65 reported a greater sense of happiness than women in other age groups. The other age groups reported as follows: only 10 % of women in their 20s reported being happy, 17% of women in their 30s and 16% of women in their 40s.
Please visit Signs of Menopause for additional information about what to expect during menopause. There are articles about hormone replacement therapy (HRT), natural treatment methods, menopause signs and more.
Recommended Reading
Menopause A To Z -The Definitive Guide.
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About Modern Menopause Symptoms & Treatments
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Beth_Adams
Monday, August 23, 2010
August 24- 2010 All About Women Health - Menopause
By Bill Mansen
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Menopause A To Z -The Definitive Guide.
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About Modern Menopause Symptoms & Treatments
Have you experienced sweating hot flashes (or hot flushes); not only at night but also in the morning? For most women, hot flushes and sweating are taken as signs of perimenopause or impending menopause. But is this the only reason?
Although these bodily heat waves and night sweats are usually associated with women and is believed to be due to hormonal changes in a woman's body, there are also men who experience the same condition. Causes of sweating hot flashes and night sweats other than menopause include:
Idiopathic hyperhidrosis can cause the body to sweat profusely but no medical cause can be identified.
Tuberculosis is also a common cause of night sweats. People with tuberculosis usually have higher temperatures at night thus activating the sweat glands.
Infections such as endocarditis, which is the inflammation of the heart valvesl HIV/AIDS, which is the infection of the body's immune system; abscesses, which are the inflammation of the tonsils, boils, or infection of the appendix or osteomyelitis, which is an infection within the bones, are also probable causes of hot flushes or night sweats. These conditions should be attended to immediately by a medical specialist.
Cancer patients often experience night sweats together with fever and consistent weight loss as an early symptom of certain cancers such as lymphoma.
Menstruation is a monthly occurrence in women and a lot of women also experience hot flushes before and after their menstrual period. This is quite normal because the level of estrogen in women's bodies changes before and after their period. This causes their body temperature to increase triggering the night sweats.
Medications can also lead to night sweats as side effect of antidepressants and other psychiatric drugs. Aspirin, acetaminophen, paracetamol and other medications to lower fever can also lead to sweating. Cortisone, predinisone and prednisolone are medications that can also trigger sweating during the day and night.
Hypothyroidism or an underactive thyroid can also cause hot flushes that strike any time of the day.
Hypoglycemia or low blood sugar - a situation commonly experienced by diabetics who are taking insulin or anti-diabetic drugs - may also cause night sweating.
Hormonal disorders such as pheochromocytoma - tumors of the adrenal glands, carcinoid syndrome - excess hormones released by the gastrointestinal or carcinoid tumors and hyperthyroidism - overactive thyroid can all cause sweating accompanied by facial flushing.
Eating certain foods such as spicy food or hot spices, smoking, excessive drinking of alcohol, obesity, over consumption of sugar are also some of the instigators of sweating and hot flashes.
Both men and women are susceptible to these causes of sweating and hot flashes. If you experience sweating and rising body heat, the best thing to do is to consult with a doctor to help you rule out or identify underlying causes for it.
Now, for those who would like to learn more about excessive sweating and how to control or manage it, here's a tip for you! Head on over to http://www.stopsweatingmagic.com and check out James Horner's "Sweat Free for Good!" It's what I used to help me put together a system that kept me dry and sweat free for months now, and I'm sure it will help you, too. 60-day money back guarantee means you've got nothing to lose. Do something about your excessive sweating right now!
Recommended Reading
Menopause A To Z -The Definitive Guide.
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About Modern Menopause Symptoms & Treatments
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bill_Mansen
Sunday, August 15, 2010
August 16- 2010 All About Women Health - Menopause
By Loren Angelo E Potts
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Menopause A To Z -The Definitive Guide.
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About Modern Menopause Symptoms & Treatments
In view of the elevated risk factors associated with HRT (hormone replacement therapy) many women are considering a home remedy for menopause symptom relief.
At first blush, the casual observer might think that a home remedy for menopause is something that could be concocted in the family bathtub. The real definition is a little more complex.
The fact is many women have become disenchanted with the advice and conventional wisdom regarding menopause symptom treatment plans recommended by the medical community.
We've known for decades that the standardized offerings for hot flash and night sweat relief can cause heart disease and various types of cancer. On balance, the known risks far outweigh any of the potential benefits associated with HRT.
No wonder that so many woman have begun to balk at the life-threatening risks associated with HRT and are beginning to think in terms of a home remedy for menopause symptom relief and other channels that could offer a safe and effective alternative.
Unfortunately, not a lot of research dollars are spent on home remedy for menopause treatment alternatives. Funding is customarily centered on invasive surgical procedures or laboratory concoctions offered by big pharmaceutical companies. While many of the home remedy for menopause alternatives, including plant based all natural supplements, herbal treatments, and homeopathic treatment methods have existed for tens if not hundreds of years, the medical community tends to minimalize these in deference to standardized approved, albeit dangerous methods.
Hormone replacement therapy is risk intensive. Heart disease and cancer are not minor concerns, especially when weighed against hot flashes and night sweats.
Some health care professionals take a middle ground in this discussion by recommending HRT, but only for six months. Unfortunately, hot flashes and night sweats, as well as other common menopause symptoms can last for ten years or more.
Women who have been on HRT and then go off, find that their hot flash and night sweat symptoms come back with a vengeance, usually within 24 to 48 hours. If they were not interested in a home remedy for menopause treatment prior to HRT, they certainly are following the cessation of hormone replacement therapy.
Finding a home remedy for menopause does not need to be a daunting task. In that most of the home remedy for menopause treatments are herbal or plant based, these menopause symptom supplements are relatively safe (especially when compared to HRT), even for prolonged consumption.
In addition to home remedy for menopause treatments, it is also a good plan to understand and avoid menopause symptom triggers. Certain foods and beverages, along with smoking and the consumption of alcoholic beverages need to be eliminated from the diet.
It is unwise to put the entire burden of menopause symptoms relief on a home remedy for menopause supplement or treatment plan. Load bearing exercise can also act as an assist in preventing hot flashes and night sweats. Women who are predisposed to severe menopause symptoms need to be especially aware of these factors.
In addition to the type of symptoms a woman will display, genetics can also play a role as to when symptoms are likely to start and stop as well as the duration of individual episodes. It has frequently been noted that if a woman wants a preview of how she will react to menopause, she only needs to chronicle the symptoms her mother endured.
Attention to proper diet and exercise, understanding menopause symptom triggers, and being aware of her own genetic predisposition will help to prepare any woman for perimenopause and menopause.
In addition to the aforementioned factors, having the proper mindset and attitude in advance will go a long way in preparation for perimenopause and menopause.
As noted previously, symptoms can last for upward to ten years or more. Symptoms associated with menopause can be far less debilitating if the ramifications are understood in advance and mental preparedness is honed prior to the time symptoms first present themselves.
American women on average reach menopause at age 51. However, some women can start earlier or later than this. Resourceful women will want to consider the appropriate home remedy for menopause prior to this time.
Finding a natural home remedy for menopause prior to perimenopause and menopause will help to facilitate an easier transition period and will do much to ameliorate the severity of the symptoms.
Homeopathic, herbal, all natural plant based supplements, vitamins and minerals especially geared for menopause and perimenopause symptoms in addition to finding a natural home remedy for menopause can go a long way toward easing the associative symptoms.
FemFlax is an all natural plant based menopause treatment which is especially geared to attack hot flashes, night sweats and other symptoms associated with perimenopause and menopause. The active ingredients in FemFlax often used as a home remedy for menopause have been extensively laboratory tested for safety and efficacy. For more information related to FemFlax, please visit http://www.femflax.com.
Loren Potts is an experienced professional in the health care industry, a health coach and specializing in help for premenopause.
Recommended Reading
Menopause A To Z -The Definitive Guide.
Explore The Latest Cutting Edge Information
About Modern Menopause Symptoms & Treatments
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Loren_Angelo_E_Potts
Saturday, August 7, 2010
August 08 - 2010 All About Women Health - Menopause
By Alice White Green
Recommended Reading
Menopause A To Z -The Definitive Guide.
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About Modern Menopause Symptoms & Treatments
Under normal circumstances, women come into menopause at the age of 55. The symptoms of menopause usually appear after two or three years of ischomenia. However, even women at the age of 40 can enter menopause in modern times. According to the medical experts, the symptoms of menopause like menstrual disorder and hot flash can appear among many young women, especially white-collar women with high pressure. In fact, many reasons in everyday life make the menopause come ahead of time.
The first common reason is that many women do not treat ovarian diseases in time in everyday life. The appearance of menopause is closely connected with ovarian functions. If ovarian functions decay prematurely, menopause will come ahead of time. The premature aging of ovarian functions means that women discharge all the egg cells from their bodies prematurely. Many women do not care too much about the premature aging of ovarian functions and refuse to treat it in hospital. In fact, the premature aging of ovarian functions is very dangerous. It can cause menstrual disorder, decreasing immunity and even endometrial cancer. Therefore, in order to keep healthy and maintain the normal menopause, women must cure ovarian diseases in time.
The second reason is that high pressure and psychological imbalance seriously affect the incretion of women. The relationship between menopause and the factors such as society and mentality can not be ignored. High pressure in everyday life and severe competition in workplaces have made the symptoms of menopause appear prematurely among many white-collar women. Nowadays, the physical and psychological pressure from work and family endured by women is much higher that endured by men. What's more, the female sensibility is more delicate than the male sensibility, so the mental pressure is more easily produced for women. Big mental pressure can cause the endocrine disorder and premature aging of ovarian functions. Therefore, in order to prevent the premature arrival of menopause, women should strengthen the adjustment of mind and mentality.
Losing weight excessively is the third reason of making the menopause come ahead of time. According to the clinical investigation, women who always lose weight excessively are easier to enter the menopause prematurely. If women lose weight excessively, the necessary nutrients needed by the human body will be lacked and the aging of internal organs will be quickened. Therefore, the experts advise that women should not lose weight excessively and should pay attention to the nutrition supplementation in everyday life. For example, menopausal women should often eat beans which contain isoflavone. Isoflavone can prevent the symptoms of the female menopause and delay the skin aging.
Alice white green is the freelance writer for e-commerce website in the chemistry. LookChem.com is just a place for you to Look for Chemicals! Our LookChem provide the most convenient conditions for the international buyers and let these leads benefit all the business person.
Recommended Reading
Menopause A To Z -The Definitive Guide.
Explore The Latest Cutting Edge Information
About Modern Menopause Symptoms & Treatments
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alice_White_Green